
Business Name:

Contact or billing address:

Contact phone no:

Email address:

Function Date:

Address of the venue:

Contact person at the function and Mobile number:

Number of Guests

Minimum Expected:

Maximum Expected:

Final guest numbers are required three working days before the event at the latest please

Time guests arrive:

Time to serving food:

Agreed quoted price per person based on the minimum number of guests:

Preferred method of payment:

We accept EFT, cheque, cash, Visa 1 % fee & Mastercard 1 % fee ( no Amex sorry )
Prepayment is required or , if agreed in writing , within 7 days following the event
Deposit may be required - estimated 25% of the total catering amount

Special dietary requests are required two working days before the event:

How many vegetarians and vegans to cater for:

Menu chosen

Entrée – if chosen

Main course – type of menu and choices made

Dessert – if chosen